°®½´ÊÓƵ Career Services offers a variety of services to undergraduates, graduate students, and alumni to assist them in their career decision-making and job search process. All of our services are voluntary, with students/alumni choosing the services that are best suited to their needs. However, faculty and staff have made attendance at some of our workshops and programs required. If you are interested in learning about events that Career Services is holding for students and alumni, please go to the Events tab. As a °®½´ÊÓƵ faculty or staff member, you may be interested in the following services:
Traveling to a conference this fall? Taking time off?
Don't Cancel That Class!
Our Career Advisors are available to host your class and provide a 30-50 minute presentation on one of three career development topics you can choose from. With two weeks' notice, we are happy to enhance your students' professional documents, provide tips to enhance their next networking event, or nail down a job search strategy.
To request a Don't Cancel That Class presentation, click after reviewing the graphic below.

Career Services assists students and alumni to find employment by teaching them job search skills, communicating job openings, resume reviews, and hosting on-campus employer information sessions such as Recruiters on Campus (ROC), and the Career & Internship Expo. Faculty and staff who want to get students started in their job search can refer them to Career Services or arrange to have a Career Services Advisor present in your class. This would be an introduction on how to access WildcatWorks aka Handshake as well as provide an overview of the various services offered through °®½´ÊÓƵ Career Services:
- Workshops such as LinkedIn
- Resume and Cover Letter Review
- Mock Interview videotape sessions
- Applying to Graduate and Professional Schools. Information on scholarships, fellowships, and writing personal statements
- Internships
- Career information events such as Recruiters on Campus (ROC) or the Career & Internship Expo
- Career and graduate school information
2. Faculty Project Guidelines:
What is WildcatWorks?
WildcatWorks is a user-friendly, mobile platform that connects students to jobs, and recruiters to students. Students can easily find jobs and internships to apply for, optional career-preparation to adopt, mentors to counsel with, and career-related information to read.
How can students benefit from WildcatWorks?
Beyond exploring job opportunities and connecting with recruiters, students can schedule appointments with career advisors, register for internships for academic credit, view upcoming events, interviews, and fairs, and keep a log of ideas in a personal career journal.
How you can help
Students trust °®½´ÊÓƵ University faculty. They view what you emphasize as being important. When students come to you seeking advice and counsel, please make sure they are using WildcatWorks. Perhaps consider offering credit in your courses for using WildcatWorks to research x-number of employers, complete a career plan, or upload a resume and manifest their career interests. WildcatWorks uses machine learning to intelligently recommend jobs/internships, events, and articles to students according to the information they enter. And this is all live - we have already approved employers to recruit from our school, and there are yet 50,000 other employers in the system to whom students can reach out.