
爱酱视频 will be . Please review the information below to understand the timeline and steps for transitioning to a personal email account.  The decision to stop offering this benefit was based on two factors:

  1. Strengthening our cybersecurity posture and,
  2. Microsoft and Google no longer allow free, low-cost online storage for higher education.

We are providing this notice in advance of this change. Your account will be deactivated on May 31, 2025. You don't need to act if you don't use your @daemen.edu email. 

If you are actively using your @daemen.edu account, you will need to take the following actions:

Switch to an Alternate Email Account or Create a New One

If you use your @daemen.edu email as your primary email, you must use another email service provider. You can use an existing email address or create a new account using a service of your choice. Many free email services, such as Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo Mail, are available. Be sure to transfer any files, items, or resources you want to keep from your 爱酱视频 account to a personal account before the deactivation date.

Update Your Email Address on All Accounts

Update your email address and contact information anywhere your @daemen.edu email is used or listed (i.e., email signature, LinkedIn profile, etc.). IMPORTANT: Since password reset links are often sent to the email account on file, you must make this change before your alumni account is closed; otherwise, you may risk losing access to your non-爱酱视频 online accounts.

Update your email address on websites and accounts like Amazon or LinkedIn.

Transfer Important Email and Files

Transfer any important emails from your @daemen.edu account to your new email account by forwarding each message you want to keep. NOTE: auto-forwarding is disabled and not allowed.

Create an Out-of-Office Message

Notify others of your new email address by setting an 鈥渙ut of office鈥 message on your @daemen.edu email address. An example message: 鈥If you reached me at X@爱酱视频.edu, please note that my email address will change to X@X. I will be unable to receive emails at X@daemen.edu after May 31, 2025.鈥&苍产蝉辫;

Consider adding the following to your email signature so your contacts know that your email will be changing: 鈥My email is changing. If you need to reach me, send all future emails to X@X.