Participate by exercising your right to vote!
爱酱视频 encourages all members of the university community to exercise their right to vote! That鈥檚 why we鈥檝e created 鈥淕et Civically Fit at 爱酱视频,鈥 a collaborative initiative co-sponsored by the departments of History & Political Science, , Institutional Advancement, and Student Affairs.
Check out the information and resources below.

Registering to Vote
In order to vote you must:
- be a United States citizen;
- be 18 years old by December 31 of the year in which you file this form (note: you must be 18 years old by the date of the general, primary or other election in which you want to vote);
- live at your present address at least 30 days before an election;
- not be in prison or on parole for a felony conviction;
- not be adjudged mentally incompetent by a court;
- not claim the right to vote elsewhere (or vote elsewhere).
Confirm Your Information
You can look up your voter registration information with the .
Register to Vote
New York Voter Registration forms are always available through the New York State Board of Elections online in and .
Register Through the DMV
Alternatively, you may register to vote through the if you have an account (i.e. drivers license or automobile registration). You may also register in person at the Erie County Board of Elections on 134 West Eagle St. in Buffalo or at any Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
2024 General Election Dates
The 2024 General Election is Tuesday, November 5.
Polls Open 6:00 am - 9:00 pm
Voter Registration Deadline: October 26, 2024
The last day your voter registration application must be received by your county Board of Elections in order for you to be eligible to vote in the 2024 general election is October 26, 2024.
(The last day to register In Person at your County Board of Elections is November 4, 2024)
Absentee Ballot Request Deadline: October 26, 2024
The last day for your county board of elections to receive your absentee ballot request for the 2024 General Election Ballot, either by mail or online portal, is October 26. (Last day to apply in person is November 4).
Upon processing your request, your absentee ballot will be mailed to you and must be postmarked (or returned in person to the Board of Elections) by November 5. (Ballots postmarked by November 5 will be counted if received by your County Board of Elections by November 12).
Early Voting Dates: October 26-November 3
You can vote early at any one of the designated early voting sites October 26-November 3. (Note there is no early voting the day prior to the election).
Look up your .
You are eligible to vote absentee if you are:
- Absent from your county or, if a resident of New York City absent from the five boroughs, on Election Day.
- Unable to appear at the polls due to temporary or permanent illness or disability (temporary illness includes being unable to appear due to risk of contracting or spreading a communicable disease like COVID-19).
- Unable to appear because you are the primary caregiver of one or more individuals who are ill or physically disabled.
- A resident or patient of a Veterans Health Administration Hospital.
- In jail or prison for any reason other than a felony conviction. This includes anyone who is awaiting grand jury action, awaiting trial, or serving a sentence for a misdemeanor.
Important: Any voter who is issued an absentee ballot will no longer be able to cast a regular ballot for that election at their polling location during early voting or on election day. What this means is if you are issued an absentee ballot and instead decide to vote in person, you will be allowed to vote only by affidavit ballot at the polling site. Affidavit ballots are returned unopened on election night to the Board of Elections and counted only if it is determined that you cast no other ballot for that election.
Others may apply for an absentee ballot using New York State鈥檚 online Absentee Ballot Application portal: . If you need accessible features you may apply using the online Accessible Absentee Ballot Application portal:
- If you requested an absentee ballot, the ballot itself will be mailed to you at the address you listed on the absentee ballot application form. Once your receive the ballot, mark the ballot according to your choices for each office following the instructions on the ballot. Fold it up and place it in the Security Envelope. Sign and date the outside of the Security Envelope. Seal and return (must be postmarked by election day). The USPS recommends that voters allow enough time for ballots to be returned to the Board, which is generally seven days ahead of the general election. Voters who mail in their ballots on Election Day must be aware of the posted collection times on collection boxes and at the Postal Service鈥檚 retail facilities, and that ballots entered after the last posted collection time will not be postmarked until the following business day.
Early Voting in New York
Time Saving Tip: When early voting, if you take your voter registration card with you, they can use the barcode on the back to more quickly retrieve your voter registration information in the electronic rolls.
Voting at the Polls on Election Day
To vote in person on election day, you must report to the designated polling place for the address at which you are registered to vote. If you are not sure where your polling place is, or you lost your voter registration card, .
A well-functioning democracy is dependent upon fair and open elections and on the dedicated workers, everyday citizens like you, who give their time and talent to staffing the polling places on election day. You can be a direct part of this great civic endeavor by becoming a poll worker (also known as an elections inspector).
Working Days: Election Day and Early Voting days. You will have to attend a training session. The hours of an Election Inspector are 5:30 a.m. until approximately 9:30 p.m., with 1-hour breaks for both lunch and dinner.
The rate of compensation varies by county. Erie County pays $190 for the day for inspectors and $25 for the training. You are required to provide your own transportation to the election district to which you are assigned (you can specify in the application where you are willing to work).
For voters outside of New York State, you can find information on the voter registration, absentee voting, and voting options here: