The Glass Ceiling | Dated Metaphor or Current Reality

March 4 | noon - 1:30 p.m. EST
Zoom Panel Discussion Virtual Event Via YouTube

Women, leadership, and making your mark

The term “glass ceiling” has been in place since the 1980s to define the social barriers preventing qualified women from advancing upward into elite positions. Beyond the glass ceiling, other paradoxes broaden our understanding of what the female career landscape looks like. For example, there is the “double-bind” concept where women are disliked when decisive yet not “leadership material” when nurturing, and the “likability trap” of women needing to be simultaneously strong and likable. In addition, there is the “glass cliff” phenomenon when women are being put in charge of an organization at a crisis point and then expected to succeed or else!

Organizations should reflect the society they represent. Barriers to women working in highly visible leadership positions limits equitable representation, and it is effective representation that builds organizational trust and culture.

Is the term “glass ceiling” relevant today?
Studies would agree the barriers are still standing. Data suggests that workplace norms make it difficult for women to rise in the workplace and those who take advantage of workplace flexibility are seen as a liability. In fact, in our current COVID-19 pandemic reality, women are downshifting careers at employment rates not seen since the term “glass ceiling” was first established. 

So, where does progress toward gender diversity and women in leadership stand today?
Let’s take a look!

In the eighth installment of our virtual panel series, Ƶ College will ​​discuss navigating the world as a female and will look at leadership and the influence of power. This dynamic discussion will explore gender and leadership, and the debate about value, preferences and the ways women lead. Join in live on the discussion and feel free to pose questions to the panelists via chat as we look into overcoming challenges and persevering in the face of them.

Sponsored by graduate programs at Ƶ College, listen in live and join our panelists as they share their outlook on how women in the world are reacting to the glass ceiling. We'll explore how aspirational goals can thrive and discuss creative ways to inspire understanding of invisible barriers, and develop ways to dismantle them.

Meet the Panel